Singapore Airlines aims to weed out unvaccinated crew members

What will it look like for airlines to make sure their crews get the proper vaccinations? Singapore Airlines has just announced that it will begin handing out crew medical certificates to potential new hires from 2020, and if they don’t have one, no job.

The company is already testing out screening programs that look for changes in skin tone, breathing and heart beats, and respiratory rate and volume. The team currently testing the technology, which is being co-developed by the University of Oxford and the Ministry of Health, expects to soon offer a different system that provides real-time feedback during the induction process.

The project is part of Singapore Airlines’ broader efforts to further upgrade its fleet and continue to stay ahead of the competition. The airline has already removed its youngest Boeing 777 aircraft and will have a fleet of new Airbus A380 aircraft on the market by the end of 2016, as well as the first Boeing 787 Dreamliner, which will begin operating in June 2019.

Read the full story at The Guardian.


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